
Did you know that undesirable horse behaviors are largely PREVENTABLE?

You have a horse and learned to ride because you want fun and joy in your life. Now it’s time for you to really take the reins. Put an end to tolerating your horse’s unwanted behaviors, and get your joy back.

You already invest time and money to keep your horses safe and healthy with preventive care. You can do the same with your horse’s behavior.

Here’s great news – you can overcome struggling with your horse’s behavioral issues without selling the horse, or sending the horse to a trainer!  Sometimes, all you need is another perspective, to affirm or expand what you already know. The horse of your dreams may be inside the horse that you already have!

Equine Ethology-based Coaching for ALL Riding Disciplines

Sometimes, all you need is more information, and another set of educated eyes to help you with reading your horse’s behavior as informational feedback, so you can use it to your advantage in training.  Sometimes a new skill to install into your own behavior will make all the difference, to show your horse that you understand what he or she is all about. For every equestrian discipline, Maggie can give you the keys to unlock what you and your horse need to succeed.  This is personal horsemanship coaching: taking what you already know, expanding that knowledge, then applying it to solve problems and accelerate toward your personal goals. You have permission to give yourself a do-over. The first step is to take what you have already learned, then expand that as you discover what is important to your horse. When you use that to inform your training, it’s like having a re-set button! Your horse will begin to change his or her mind about you, and will be able to collaborate with you as a happy, willing partner. Hooray!
Take the reins of your Horsemanship journey. Download Maggie’s complimentary e-Book HERE.

Who Is Maggie?

Maggie was Champion Trainer at the 2010 HELP Rescue Me Trainers’ Challenge, presented by the Humane Society of the United States.

She brings humor and vast knowledge from the global world of Equine Behavior Science.  She is a seeker.  Her love of learning has swept her away to studies in Ireland with the International Society for Equitation Science, in Tucson with Linda Kohanov, author of The Tao of Equus, in Colorado with Linda Parelli, and in California with the likes of Karen Rohlf and Olympian Jim Wofford. 

A Sacramento native with a rather eclectic background, Maggie is a professional singer, actor, teacher, Horsemanship Coach, Improv Comedy artist, Reiki practitioner, and TV Producer.

What is Maggie’s Horsemanship Perspective?

Only certain people are drawn to horses.  We see their beauty, strength and grace, and we want to be part of that.  Those who make the commitment to own a horse are special.  Horse owners are people on a unique journey of self-discovery, a journey taken on the back of their partner, the horse.  The horse is the co-creator, guide, mentor and facilitator.  The horse brings us many gifts, often cleverly disguised as challenges.  Maggie states, “I believe that certain horses find certain people for specific reasons.  It is our job to find those reasons, and to learn what we are meant to learn from them.”  Horsemanship is essentially a self-development endeavor.

What is Maggie’s Training Approach and Paradigm?

Maggie’s personal, intuitive style and infectious sense of humor are part of what makes her teaching sessions special. She infuses each session with her unique blend of current knowledge from the global world of Equine Behavior Science, Equitation Science, traditional riding and non-traditional riding training. What Maggie gives her students is based in the science and art of understanding the sensibilities of BOTH the horse and the human.  Her humor and intuitive sensibility is balanced by an immense, deep knowledge of the intricacies of equine ethology and behavior.  “As a Horsemanship Coach, I feel that my job is to teach people essentially three things: 1) How to read the horse’s subtle behavior as informational feedback; 2) How to respond appropriately to it; 3) How to seamlessly integrate the result into the riding discipline that the student chooses.” In equestrian endeavors, where most people will get frustrated, unable to attain their goals through “traditional training” alone, her students get a result that is a more joyous cooperative venture with the horse.  Problem horses become willing partners who are more relaxed and focused on what the human wants.


Maggie’s students have said that she is “gifted”, “talented”, “creative”, and “incredibly patient and positive”.  Her paradigm can be summed up in one word:  expansion.  “I provide people and horses with accelerated opportunities to greatly expand what they already know, and to easily integrate that into everything they do together.”  There is no such thing as a single magic method, no miracle cure or quick fix for behavior issues that can plague the horse-human relationship.  Sometimes, all that’s needed is an effective translator to show you the way, so you can then succeed by yourself.